MPCS Annual Auction & Year-End Celebration!
Save the Date! The 2025 Annual Auction will be on Saturday, June 7, 2025!
We hope you can join us!
2024 Auction Sponsors
Thank you to our 2024 Auction Sponsors!
Please support these generous sponsors who have chosen to support MPCS!

About our Annual Auction and End-of-Year Celebration
In 1941, Mt. Pleasant Christian School began its first year in operation. At the end of that year (spring of 1942), there was a school picnic to celebrate the end of the school year! That picnic continued annually, and then around 1967, the school picnic turned into a school auction. Every year, the students, their families, and the Mt. Pleasant community would come out for this end-of-year celebration and fundraiser to support the school. It was known as “The School Sale,” which was typically held on the first Saturday of June each year, and it was actually considered a school day! It has always been a time of fun and fellowship with a common purpose to support MPCS through a spirit of generosity and to give Glory to God for His provision and faithfulness at MPCS!