Private Christian school located in Chesapeake, VA Learn More (757) 482-9557



Click here for the Kindergarten – 8th Grade

Preschool phone number – 757-482-9557,  ext 2

Preschool office email –

PreK 2 – Students must be 2 years old by the first day of school to be eligible for PreK2.

PreK 3 – Students must be 3 years old by the first day of school to be eligible for PreK3

PreK 4 – Students must be 4 years old by September 30th to be eligible for PreK4.

Pre-K Hours:

8:30am – 12pm – Half day
8:30am – 3pm – Full day
6:30am – 8:15am – Before School Care
3:15pm – 6pm – After School Care

*Class begins at 8:30am, however, students may be dropped off as early as 8:15am as a courtesy to parents who would otherwise be late to work or an appointment.  Please keep in mind that any child that comes into the building prior to 8:15 am, will be charged for before care.

PRE-K Handbook ’23-’24 (subject to change)



Folders will be sent home daily. Please check them each evening for your child’s schoolwork or notes from the teacher or the school office. Folders are checked each morning, so if you have a note for the teacher, please put it in there.


Preschool is the time for your child to learn school rules, the type of behavior that is expected in a classroom setting, and how to be a good friend. Students will be working on listening to the teacher; following directions, and being kind to one another. We have four rules in PreK that we remind the students to abide by:

  1. Keep yourself safe.
  2. Keep each other safe.
  3. Take care of our school.
  4. Be kind.

Parents will be notified by a behavior notification when their child breaks one of the Preschool rules. After several behavior notices have been written, parents will be asked to have a conference with the teacher; in order to determine a plan of action to help the child stop the negative beh9viors. If no improvement is made after the conference, the child may be required to find alternate core.

Biting Policy:

For the child that was bitten – First aid and comfort will be given, and a bite report will be sent home to notify the parents. Names of the children involved will not be disclosed.

For the child that bites – The child will be removed from the situation and reminded that, “it is not okay to bite and that biting hurts.” The child may be put in a time out, equivalent to one minute for each year of age. The parents will be notified through a Bite Report and through other forms of communication, if necessary.

If the biting occurs more than twice, a conference will be scheduled with the parents, the teacher, and the director to make a plan to help the child to stop biting. If the child bites again after a plan has been put in place, the child will need to be picked up from school and will not be able to return back until the biting stops.

Sick Policy:

Any student who has a fever (100 degrees or above), vomits, has diarrhea, or any communicable disease will need to be picked up from school immediately.  Students must remain out of school until symptom free without the use of medication for a minimum of 24 hours.  

Students who have head lice must remain out of school until free of both lice and nits.

Water Bottles:

Please send in a spill proof water bottle everyday, labeled with your child’s name.  The children will have water with their snacks, (juice boxes are allowed for lunch, but not for snack), and we will take the water bottles outside for recess.

Snack and Lunch:

Students will have a morning snack each day. Snacks should be dry, healthy foods that do not require a spoon. If your child is enrolled in our full day program, our lunch time is at 12:00.  We have a microwave, so you may send in food that requires being heated up for lunch.  Please remember to send spoons, forks, napkins, etc if your child will require them for their lunch.  We also offer the students the opportunity to order lunch on Fridays.  You will receive an order form in your child’s folder on Mondays, and if you would like to order lunch for Friday, please fill out the form and return it with the payment on Tuesday.  We order from Papa Johns, Taco Bell, Tropical Smoothie, Hot Rodders. etc.

Rest Time:

Our daily rest time is between 12:30pm – 2:15pm. Please send in a small nap mat, one small blanket and one small pillow (travel size or the size of a small throw pillow). We have limited storage space, so no oversized mats, blankets or pillows will be allowed.  Your child may keep one stuffed animal with their nap mat items, or bring one in daily.  However, please do not allow them to bring more than one. All nap mat items should be put in an extra large ziploc bag, labeled with your child’s name. Every Friday, the nap items will be sent home to be washed.

Toys from Home:

All toys with the exception of a stuffed animal for nap time, should be left at home. Sometimes children have something special that they want to show their friends, so each teacher will have designated show and tell times for that.

Arrival and Dismissal:

Arrival and dismissal will be at the double glass doors.  For arrival, a teacher will greet you and walk your child down to his/her class.  For dismissal, a teacher will greet you at the door and bring your child to you.

Children will only be allowed to leave with those listed on their registration form.  If someone is picking up your child that is not listed on their form, you will need to send in a note, listing the date of pick up and the full name of the person who will be picking up.  We will ID anyone that we do not know, so please make anyone that will be picking up aware that they will need to bring a picture ID with them.

Birthdays and Parties:

We love celebrating birthdays!  You are more than welcome to send in a special treat for the class for your child’s birthday.  Please check with your child’s teacher for any class allergies.

Parent Volunteers:

Each class will need a Room Mom to help coordinate parties and other events, and be a point of contact with the PTO.  The room mom is also encouraged to attend PTO meetings throughout the year.  If you would be interested in being a Room mom, please talk to your child’s teacher.  Parents may also volunteer in other roles, such as: doing a craft or reading to the class, helping at school events, or driving students on field trips.

Enrichment Activities:

All PreK students will have storytime in the library and a PE Class once per week.  Please be sure that your child wears tennis shoes on PE days.  Your child’s teacher will let you know which days your child will have PE and Library.

PreK 4 students will also have a STEAM class once per week.

MPCS Chapel is on Thursday mornings.

Field Trips (PreK 4/ PreK 5 students only):

We will have 2-3  field trips in the Winter/Spring for the PreK 4 / PreK 5 students.  Parents are invited to attend, and we also rely on parents to help transport students on the trips.  If you are willing to transport children on a field trip, you will be required to fill out a volunteer form, as well as show your driver’s license and provide proof of insurance.

Dress Code/ Change of Clothes:

PreK does not follow the same dress code as the Elementary/Middle school students.  We do ask that girls wear shorts under their dresses/skirts, shoes should be appropriate for running, jumping and climbing, and shirts with weapons, witches, skulls, etc are not permitted.  Please send a full change of clothes to school with your child to be kept in the classroom in case of an accident (Shirt, shorts or pants, underwear, socks and shoes).  Please put the clothes in a ziploc bag, labeled with your child’s name.

School Closings:

Sept 2 – Labor Day – School closed                               

Oct. 28  – School closed – Teacher workday              

Nov 11 – Veterans Day – School closed for students/Conference Day

Nov 27 – 29 – No School – Thanksgiving Break

Dec 20 – 11:45 dismissal for Christmas Break

Dec 21 – Jan 5 – Christmas Break
Jan 20 – Martin Luther King, Jr. Day – School closed
Feb 17 – Presidents Day – School closed
March 24 – School closed -Teacher workday
April 11 – 11:00 dismissal, Easter break begins
April 14 – 21 – Easter break
May 26 – Memorial Day – School closed                        

• On days that MPCS has a 12:00 dismissal, PreK will dismiss at 11:45.
This will help to keep the dismissal process run smoothly and to keep the parking lot a little less crowded. If you have a child in an older grade, you may choose to pick that child up at 11:45 as well, or you may wait until 12:00 to pick up your preschooler.

We look forward to a wonderful school year of learning, growing and sharing God’s love!